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Cedar Crest Farm

Ameraucana (Pullet)

Ameraucana (Pullet)

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
Sale Sold out

OK., let me just get it out of the way...Martha Stewart loves and raises Ameraucana.  Need I say more?  This beautiful bearded and muffed chicken is a delight to the backyard chicken enthusiast. A blue ribbon winning line and great dispositions.  The Ameraucana lays a gorgeous blue egg unlike any other.  These Standard bred birds are real true blue Ameraucana.  (Not Easter Eggers). When you purchase a Cedar Crest Farm Ameraucana, you can rest assured you are buying a sound bird bred to perfection.  These are awesome foragers, virtually disease resistant, not prone to frostbite; cold and heat hardy birds.  Our Ameraucana flock originated from superior lines and we have been raising this breed since 2012.  Colors available:  Blue, Blue Black Splash, Black.  We will do our best to accommodate color requests but can't guarantee color.  No matter the color, you will purchase a beautiful egg layer.  

Pullets will be 8 weeks when ready for pick up and feathered enough to go to an outdoor coop.   

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